Modern library technologies for data storage, retrieval and use

as well as to the already great wealth of most of the Internet. There can be problems, however, due to screen size and operating system that can restrict access to some of this content. Libraries must ensure that their content is not only usable by these devices, but also appealing so that users want to access the content and are able to do so, regardless of the device they use. Libraries have a choice of how to present their content for mobile devices, but whether to opt for mobile accessible websites or apps is up to each library to decide. Mobile library services is a compilation of papers on library mobile projects, from app creation to responsive web design, mobile devices and strategies. It documents the experiences of academic, public and a special library in their expansion of service into mobile accessibility. The projects include catalogues, citations, databases, discovery and more. Each chapter provides good overview information on the project discussed, ranging from its rationale, through resourcing and onto creation and then promotion, use and evaluation. The projects included cover a wide range of options and a variety of library types and needs. They are detailed without being overwhelming and provide more than enough information to understand the nature of the project and its conclusion. All the papers have been written by people directly involved in each project. Helpful supporting information in the form of screen shots, flow charts and more helps to give a clear picture of what was done. Although each project included was ultimately successful, the papers include issues and problems that arose during the process and outline the solutions considered and implemented. Many also present the lessons they learned and their future directions. For those considering such a project, it is well worth investing in this title in order to learn from the experiences of others. Librarians are very good at sharing solid, useful information, which is again apparent in the collection of papers in Mobile library services.