Network Processors

Table of contents PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 1: The Evolution of Network Technology: Distributed Computing and the Convergence of Networks Chapter 2: Network Processors: Justification Chapter 3: Packet Processing PART 2: NETWORK PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE Chapter 4: IBM PowerNP(tm) Chapter 5: Intel IXA(tm) Network Processors Chapter 6: AMCC nP(tm) Family of Network Processors Chapter 7: Agere PayloadPlus(r) Family of Network Processors Chapter 8: Motorola's C-Port(tm) Family of Network Processors Chapter 9: Other NPU Architectures Chapter 10: Alternative Approaches to Network Processing: Net ASICs and Designing with IP Cores PART 3: PERIPHERAL CHIPS SUPPORTING NETWORK PROCESSORS: STORAGE PROCESSORS, CLASSIFICATION PROCESSORS, SEARCH ENGINES, SWITCH FABRICS, AND TRAFFIC MANAGERS Chapter 11: Storage Network Processors (SNPs) Chapter 12: Search Engines Chapter 13: Classification Processors Chapter 14: Switch Fabrics Chapter 15: Traffic Managers PART 4: PUTTING EVERYTHING TOGETHER Chapter 16: Systems Engineering Issues PART 5: SECURITY COPROCESSORS Chapter 17: Security Coprocessors LIST OF ACRONYMS APPENDIX I: OVERVIEW OF NETWORK-PROCESSOR PRODUCTS AND PLATFORMS APPENDIX II: TYPICAL TRAFFIC LOAD (in Millions of Packets per Second) CORRESPONDENCE AT VARIOUS LINK SPEEDS AND PACKET SIZES APPENDIX III: STANDARDIZATION EFFORTS IN NETWORK PROCESSING INDEX