Switching-mode Battery Charger

It was mentioned in section 4.5 that the switching-mode charger will be treated in a standing alone chapter. The reason of doing so was also given. Without wasteful verbiage, we shall treat first a boost charger, then a charger in buck mode. For both chargers, some circuit blocks are given detailed analytical expressions and their derivations, considering their respective degree of importance. Others are omitted, or given only their end results, if doing so will not create misunderstanding or ambiguity. By covering most mathematical basis first, then steady state closed-loop formulation follows. The goal of the second step obviously is aiming at providing insight for steady-state charge (current) regulation. The performance merit in this regard basically resides in the quantitative study of charge current sensitivities against control loop parameters including active device characteristic and passive part values. Time domain study concludes the chapter.