Current induced on a conducting cylinder located near the planar interface between two semi-infinite half-spaces

An analysis is described for determining the current induced by a known excitation on a conducting cylinder located near the planar interface between two semi-infinite, homogeneous half-spaces of different electromagnetic properties. The perfectly conducting cylinder of general cross section is of infinite extent and the excitation is transverse magnetic to the cylinder axis. An integral equations for the induced current is derived and a numerical method for solving it is developed. The kernel of the integral equation contains a term corresponding to the usual open-space Green's function plus a term proportional to a Sommerfeld-type integral in two dimensions. Various forms of the Sommerfeld-type integral are given and the choices of form amenable to efficient evaluation are discussed. For a flat strip, a circular cylinder, and a rectangular cylinder, data are presented and discussed for selected parameters. Data are presented for cylinders above and below the interface as well as for a cylinder resting on the interface.