Currently most link-related applications treat all links in the same web page to be identical. One link-related application usually requires one certain property of hyperlinks but actually not all links have this property or they have this property on different levels. Based on a study of how human users judge the links, the idea of the link function classification (LFC) is introduced in this paper. The link functions reflect the purpose that links are created by web page designers and the way they are used by viewers. Links in a certain function class imply one certain relationship between the adjacent pages, and thus they can be assumed to have similar properties. An algorithm is proposed to analyze the link functions based on both vision and structure features which simulates the reaction on the links of human users. Current applications can be enhanced by LFC with a more accurate modeling of the web graph. New mining methods can be also developed by making more and stronger assumptions on links within each function class due to the purer property set they share.
Christopher C. Yang,et al.
A link classification based approach to website topic hierarchy generation
WWW '07.
Irwin King,et al.
Pagesim: a Novel Link-based Measure Of
Wei-Ying Ma,et al.
Block-level link analysis
SIGIR '04.
Wei-Ying Ma,et al.
VIPS: a Vision-based Page Segmentation Algorithm