The ShakeMaps of the Amatrice, M6, earthquake

In this paper we describe the performance of the ShakeMap software package and the fully automatic procedure, based on manually revised location and magnitude, during the main event of the Amatrice sequence with special emphasis to the M6 main shock, that struck central Italy on the 24th August 2016 at 1:36:32 UTC. Our results show that the procedure we developed in the last years, with real-time data exchange among those institutions acquiring strong motion data, allows to provide a faithful description of the ground motion experienced throughout a large region in and around the epicentral  area. The prompt availability of the rupture fault model, within three hours after the earthquake occurrence, provided a better descriptions of the level of strong ground motion throughout the affected area.  Progressive addition of  station data and  manual verification of the data insures improvements in the description of the experienced ground motions.  In particular, comparison between the MCS intensity shakemaps and preliminary field macroseismic reports show favourable similarities.  Finally the overall  spatial pattern of the ground motion of the main shock is consistent with reported rupture directivity toward NW and reduced levels of ground shaking toward SW probably linked to the peculiar source effects of the earthquake.