Web Mining Overview, Techniques, Tools and Applications: A Survey

---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract Web Mining is moving the World Wide Web towards a more useful environment in which users can quickly and easily find the information they need. Large amount of text documents, multimedia files and images are available in the web and it is still increasing. Data mining is the form of extracting data’s available in the internet. Web mining is a part of data mining. Web mining is used to discover and extract information from Web-related data sources such as Web documents, Web content, hyperlinks and server logs. The term Web mining has been used in three distinct ways. The first, called Web content mining is the process of information discovery from sources across the World Wide Web. The second, called Web structure mining is the process of analyzing the relationship between Web pages linked by information or direct link connection through the use of graph theory. The third, called Web usage mining is the process of extracting patterns and information from server logs to gain insight on user activity. In this paper, we are trying to give a brief idea regarding web mining concerned with its techniques, tools and applications.