Ecological User Equilibrium
With increasing environmental sustainability awareness significant attention on ecological traffic management (eco-TM) has come into the focus of researchers and practitioners. While different approaches have been applied to reach minimal pollutant production, the classic user equilibrium calculation with the pollutant production as travel costs instead of using travel times remains in the center of attention. However, the validity of such a direct transformation to find a user equilibrium is questionable. In this paper, a simplified analytical approach to examine the above aforementioned validity has been carried out, followed by a simulation approach to verify the results of the analytical approach. The initial result shows that the pollutant production function violates the usual assumption of a monotonous function (typically, emission has a minimum at travel speeds around \unit[60]{km/h}
). This means that substantial modifications to the algorithms that compute the user equilibrium have to be discussed since they do not work as intended when pollutant production is used as travel costs, especially in a transportation system with mixed speeds that cover a range around the minimum emission speed.