Triz-based Technology Intelligence

“The intensified technological Darwinism demands new thinking!” Technologies are the central and success-determining factors of every technology-oriented company. To ensure a solid and sustainable technological base that also withstands rapidly changing market requirements, an early focus on high-potential and forward-looking technologies is advised. TRIZ -based Technology Intelligence is a method that assists tec hnology managers in identifying competing technologies in order to forecast their development and to determine their potential. The development of the primarily technological but also customer-related surrounding is also taken into account to guarantee a holistic and simultaneously focused view. To reach this objective, the Technology Intelligence method incorporates different tools of the TRIZ -methodology (the theory of inventive problem solving) such as the Trends of Technological Evolution and TRIZ-related methods. These related methods include, for instance, systems theory and morphology. The different methods are combined into a process comprising of four stages. Firstly, the relevant surroundings (superand subsystems) with the competing technologies (alternative systems) are defined. After this the main parameters and functions that are relevant for the success of the systems are identified. On this basis, the future of the different systems can be anticipated and their potential can be estimated. Finally, the results are documented in a technology roadmap. The outcomes of the TRIZ -based Technology Intelligence can be used to determine the threats and opportunities of competing technologies. On this basis, the critical technologies can be further monitored or used for an individual company’s strategy. Hence, existing business areas can be expanded by technological optimisations and new business areas can be built up by generating new knowledge.