By the method of rapid radiation heating (at a speed of 20-25 K/s) of Au and Ag films with a thickness of 4-35 nm to temperatures of 573-693 K in air and in the process of vacuum deposition of silver on heated (up to 700 K at a heating rate of 10 K/s ) glass substrates formed Au and Ag NPs arrays with nanoparticle sizes from several tens to hundreds of nanometers, the position λSPR of which is in the range of 520-597 nm for Au NPs and 424-509 nm for Ag NPs. It is established that the average size of nanoparticles depends on the thickness of gold and silver films and the annealing temperature. The results testify that glass substrates with arrays of randomly distributed gold NPs can be used as effective SERS-substrates for the investigation of Raman spectra of nanosized (50-100 nm) chalcogenide films.