HFVS™: Enhanced data quality through technology integration
Known problems with vibroseis data include difficult-to-pick and inaccurate first-arrival times, poor well ties, correlation side lobes, harmonic ghosts, and coupling differences. Also, to reduce acquisition costs, various methods are used to record and then separate data from different source locations using vibrators sweeping simultaneously, but these methods suffer from poor data separation and harmonic contamination. A novel combination of heritage Mobil High Fidelity Vibratory Seismic (HFVS) and heritage Exxon vibrator technologies solves these problems with vibroseis data. The method involves vibrator separation combined with vibrator signature deconvolution in such a manner that the output is minimum phase and matches impulsive data. Vibrator signatures are calculated from the vibrator accelerometer measurements. The signatures from multiple vibrators and multiple sweeps are used to design a filter that optimally separates the data from each vibrator and replaces the signatures with a specially des...
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