Multiview access protocols for large-scale replication

The article proposes a scalable protocol for replication management in large-scale replicated systems. The protocol organizes sites and data replicas into a tree-structured, hierarchical cluster architecture. The basic idea of the protocol is to accomplish the complex task of updating replicated data with a very large number of replicas by a set of related but independently committed transactions. Each transaction is responsible for updating replicas in exactly one cluster and invoking additional transactions for member clusters. Primary copies (one from each cluster) are updated by a cross-cluster transaction. Then each cluster is independently updated by a separate transaction. This decoupled update propagation process results in possible multiple views of replicated data in a cluster. Compared to other replicated data management protocols, the proposed protocol has several unique advantages. First, thanks to a smaller number of replicas each transaction needs to atomically update in a cluster, the protocol significantly reduces the transaction abort rate, which tends to soar in large transactional systems. Second, the protocol improves user-level transaction response time as top-level update transactions are allowed to commit before all replicas have been updated. Third, read-only queries have the flexibility to see database views of different degrees of consistency and data currency. This ranges from global, most up to date, and consistent views, to local, consistent, but potentially old views, to local, nearest to users but potentially inconsistent views. Fourth, the protocol maintains its scalability by allowing dynamic system reconfiguration as it grows by splitting a cluster into two or more smaller ones. Fifth, autonomy of the clusters is preserved as no specific protocol is required to update replicas within the same cluster. Clusters are, therefore, free to use any valid replication or concurrency control protocols.

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