Design of the CW Cornell ERL Injector Cryomodule

The Cornell ERL Prototype injector will accelerate bunches from an electron source to an energy of several MeV, while preserving the ultra-low emittance of the beam. The injector linac will be based on superconducting RF technology with five 2-cell RF cavities operated in cw mode. The beam tubes on one side of the cavities have been enlarged to propagate Higher-Order-Mode power from the cavities to broadband RF ring-absorbers located at 80 K between the cavities. The axial symmetry of these ferrite based absorbers, together with two symmetrically placed input couplers per cavity, avoids transverse on-axis fields, which would cause emittance growth. Each cavity is surrounded by a LHe vessel and equipped with a frequency tuner. The cryomodule provides the support and alignment for the cavity string, the 80 K cooling of the ferrite loads, and the 2K LHe cryogenic system for the high cw heat load of the cavities. In this paper we give an overview of the ERL injector cryomodule design.