Effects of heavy metals on antioxidants and stress-responsive gene expression in Javanese medaka (Oryzias javanicus).

The differential expression of eight genes encoding stressor biomarkers was investigated by real-time quantitative PCR in liver tissue extracted from Javanese medaka after exposure to six heavy metals for 24 h. OjaCAT transcription increased in a dose-dependent manner during exposure to Cd, Cu, and Zn, but significantly decreased after exposure to Ag, Cr, and Ni. OjaCYP1A transcription decreased drastically on exposure to all heavy metals tested. OjaG6PD transcription increased dramatically after exposure to low doses of Cu and Zn, but decreased at high concentrations of these elements. No prominent changes in OjaG6PD transcription were observed after exposure to Ag, Cd, Cr, or Ni. OjaGPx mRNA expression was induced in the liver following exposure to Ag, Cd, Cu, and Zn, but suppressed following exposure to Cr and Ni. Exposure to all heavy metals increased transcription of OjaGR and OjaGST in a dose-dependent manner. OjaSOD transcription increased during exposure to Ag, Cd, Zn, and Cr, but showed no change in response to Cu and Ni exposure. OjaUB expression was induced by all doses of exposure. The transcriptional responses of these genes to heavy metal exposure will provide the basis for a multi-biomarker system that can be used for the biomonitoring of aquatic environments.

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