Improved classification of medical data using abductive network committees trained on different feature subsets

This paper demonstrates the use of abductive network classifier committees trained on different features for improving classification accuracy in medical diagnosis. In an earlier publication, committee members were trained on different subsets of the training set to ensure enough diversity for improved committee performance. In situations characterized by high data dimensionality, i.e. a large number of features and a relatively few training examples, it may be more advantageous to split the feature set rather than the training set. We describe a novel approach for tentatively ranking the features and forming subsets of uniform predictive quality for training individual members. The abductive network training algorithm is used to select optimum predictors from the feature set at various levels of model complexity specified by the user. Using the resulting tentative ranking, the features are grouped into mutually exclusive subsets of approximately equal predictive power for training the members. The approach is demonstrated on three standard medical diagnosis datasets (breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes). Three-member committees trained on different feature subsets and using simple output combination methods reduce classification errors by up to 20% compared to the best single model developed with the full feature set. Results are compared with those reported previously with members trained through splitting the training set. Training abductive committee members on feature subsets of approximately equal predictive power achieves both diversity and quality for improved committee performance. Ensemble feature subset selection can be performed using GMDH-based learning algorithms. The approach should be advantageous in situations characterized by high data dimensionality.

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