Board level drop test and simulation of TFBGA packages for telecommunication applications

Reliabilit!- perfonnance of IC packages during drop impact is critical, especially for handheld electronic products. Currently. thcrc is no detailed test standard in the industry to advise on the procedures for board level dmp test. nor there is any model Ilia1 providcs good correlation with experimental ineasiircinents of acceleration and impact life. In this paper; detailed drop tests and simulations are pcrfonned on TFBGA (Thin-profile Fine-pitch BGA) and VFBGA (Vey-thinprofile Fine-pitch BGA) packages at board level using testing procediires developed in-house. The packages are susceptible to solder joint failures, induced by a combination of PCB bending and iueclwnical shock during impact. The critical solder ball is obsewed to occur at the outennost comer solder .joint_ and fails along the solder and PCB pad interface. Various testing parameters are studied experimentally and analytically. to understand the effects of drop heightl drop oricntation, number of PCB mounting screws to fixture. position of component on board: PCB bending: solder material, and etc. Drop height, fclt thickness, and contact conditions are used to fine-tune the shape aud level of shock pulse required. Board level drop test can be better controlled. compared with system or product level test such as impact of mobile phone. which sometimes has rather unpredictable results due to higher complexity and variations in drop orientation. At tlie same time, dynamic simulation is perfonncd to compare with esperiniental results. The model established has close values of peak acceleration and impact duration as measured in actual drop test. The failure mode and critical solder ball location predicted by modeling correlate well with testing. For the first time, an accurate life prediction model is proposed for board level drop test to estiinatc the number of drops to failure for a package. For the correlation cases studied. the nminmm nonual peeling stresses of critical solder joints correlate well with the mean impact lives measured during the drop test. The uncertainty of impact life prediction is within M drops, for a typical test of 50 drops. With this new model, a failure-free state can be detennined, and drop test performance of new package design can be quantified. and fuliher enhanced through modeling. This quantitative approach is different from traditional qualitative modeling. as it provides both accurate relative and absolute impact life prediction. The relative performance of package may be different under board level drop test ,and thennal cycling test. Different design guidelines should be considered, depcnding on application and area of concern

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