Motorcycle crash tests — an overview

Abstract With its White Paper ȁEuropean Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decideȁ the Commission of the European Community has set the ambitious target to cut in half the number of killed road users till 2010. To reach this goal, it is necessary to check all possibilities and bring measures with proved benefit potential into action. In this context the secondary safety of motorcycles is of interest, too. Official statistics for the Federal Republic of Germany show that on a significant lower level of the absolute figures of killed road users the share of killed motorcycle riders has increased: in 1970 there were 8,494 killed road users inside the urban area in Germany with a share of motorcycle riders of 9%. In 2001 this figure broke down to 1,726 killed road users with a share of motorcycle riders of 14%. Outside the urban area 10,699 road users were killed in 1970; 8% were motorcycle riders. In 2001 the number of rural road victims decreased to 5,251, but the share of killed motorcycle riders increased to 16%. This indicates that a need for motorcycle safety research is evident in order to fulfil the sophisticated goal set by the Commission. Looking to secondary motorcycle safety the standard ISO 13232 describes impact constellations, crash tests and risk/benefit calculations regarding real world accidents. Projects have been done to analyse the protection benefit of safety parts fitted to the motorcycle, for example: leg protectors and the airbag. Further research and crash tests have been conducted focused on motorcycle impacts against steel guard rails and concrete barriers. Some more tests dealing with the protection potential of motorcycle clothings have been accomplished. The article gives an updated overview of the knowledge described in technical literature, results from real world accident studies and from full-scale crash tests carried out by DEKRA Accident Research & Crash Test Center.