Computational Design Thinking

8 Preface Achim Menges and Sean Ahlquist 10 Introduction Computational Design Thinking Sean Ahlquist and Achim Menges 30 Formation and Transformation Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 32 On the Theory of Transformations, or the Comparison of Related Forms D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson 42 Variational Evolution Ernst Mayr 50 The Meaning of General System Theory Ludwig von Bertalanffy 58 Systems Generating Systems Christopher Alexander 68 The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics Gordon Pask 78 Towards a Humanism Through Machines Nicholas Negroponte 86 A New Agenda for Computer-Aided Design William J Mitchell 94 Algorithmic Form Kostas Terzidis 102 Architecture and Practical Design Computation Mark Burry 120 An Introduction to Creative Evolutionary Systems Peter J Bentley and David W Corne 131 Constrained Generating Procedures John H Holland 142 Real Virtuality Manuel DeLanda 149 A Natural Model for Architecture John Frazer 158 Morphogenesis and the Mathematics of Emergence Michael Weinstock 168 Philosophy of Mathematics for Computational Design: Spatial Intuition Versus Logic Jane Burry 179 Associative Design: From Type to Population Peter Trummer 198 Integral Formation and Materialisation: Computational Form and Material Gestalt Achim Menges 211 The Computational Fallacy Sanford Kwinter 216 Select Bibliography 218 Index