Rapid visual screening of different housing typologies in Himachal Pradesh, India

Methods capable of assessing the vulnerability of houses for future earthquakes are of fundamental importance for the safety and development of an area. As the detailed assessment is limited to number of houses and cost, one of the appraising methods currently used for seismic vulnerability assessment is rapid visual screening (RVS). This methodology has led to determination of risk of an area subjected to an earthquake event. Many codes have limited rapid visual screening to housing typologies like reinforced concrete and Brick masonry structures. This paper delivers an approach on how to perform RVS for five varieties of buildings in Himachal Pradesh state. The RVS scores have been calculated for 9099 buildings and normal distribution curves are plotted for each typology of building to understand the distribution of buildings in Himachal Pradesh. Finally, a new modified format for performing rapid visual screening has been proposed at the end.