Dynamic remeshing and applications

Triangle meshes are a flexible and generally accepted boundary representation for complex geometric shapes. In addition to their geometric qualities or topological simplicity, intrinsic qualities such as the shape of the triangles, their distribution on the surface and the connectivity are essential for many algorithms working on them. In this paper we present a flexible and efficient remeshing framework that improves these intrinsic properties while keeping the mesh geometrically close to the original surface. We use a particle system approach and combine it with an incremental connectivity optimization process to trim the mesh towards the requirements imposed by the user. The particle system uniformly distributes the vertices on the mesh, whereas the connectivity optimization is done by means of Dynamic Connectivity Meshes, a combination of local topological operators that lead to a fairly regular connectivity. A dynamic skeleton ensures that our approach is able to preserve surface features, which are particularly important for the visual quality of the mesh. None of the algorithms requires a global parameterization or patch layouting in a preprocessing step but uses local parameterizations only. In particular we will sketch several application scenarios of our general framework and we will show how the users can adapt the involved algorithms in a way that the resulting remesh meets their personal requirements.

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