Seria staff movements management system (ssmms)
Attendance in any organization is very important to ensure the continuous operation. Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional punch card attendance system, SeRIA Staff Movements Management System (SSMMS) is proposed to Sekolah Rendah Ibnu Abbas (SeRIA), Kuantan. SSMMS is a system used to record the present of staffs to work and staffs leaves application. Assisted by the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology, the system has been built using the web-based applications such as PHP, MySQL and Apache to record attendance and report the presence of staff. This system will allow staff to record daily attendance, to apply for leave and they can see their profile and also leave application status, while the coordinator could see staff attendance reports and generate attendance reports. Headmaster will manage the application off either accept or reject the staff leave application. Additionally, SSMMS can reduce time and management cost. The implementation of this system will minimize the usage of conventional system and maximize the usage of computers in the organization. In conclusion, it is hope that this system could improve the management in the organization.