최적화 기법과 역학 기반의 블록 러그 배치 방법에 대한 연구

A ship and an offshore plant have been constructed in the dock by erecting several blocks with a crane. At this time, special equipment named lugs are attached on the block and wire ropes of the crane are connected between the block and the lugs. According to the lug positions, there can be the dynamic instability or the interferences between the block and the wire ropes. Thus, optimal arrangement of the lugs is necessary for safe block lifting. For this, a method for the lug arrangement design is proposed based on the optimization technique and the static and dynamic analyses in this study. A lug arrangement problem is mathematically formulated as an optimization problem. The static analysis for finding the equilibrium position and attitude of the block is used. After finding an optimum for the lug arrangement based on the static analysis, the safety of the optimum is also evaluated through the dynamic analysis based on the multibody system dynamics. To check the applicability of the proposed method, it is applied to a problem for the lug arrangement design in shipyard. The result shows that the proposed method can be effectively used to determine optimal design for the lug arrangement.