고속도로 주행 시 연료차단 기능을 활용한 CO₂ 배출량 감축에 대한 실험적 연구
The fuel is not injected when the driver doesn't push acceleration pedal of a vehicle with engine speed higher than about 1,500rpm above mid vehicle speed range. This is called “fuel-cut function” and almost every modern vehicle is equipped with this function. This is activated on downhill part of a highway most often. Therefore the vehicleexhausted CO₂ can be zero in this downhill part if the driver could recognize this part of highway. We compared the vehicle-exhausted CO₂ emission when using fuel-cut function with the CO₂ mass when without using this function in this study. We found that the CO₂ emission reduced with fuel-cut function and measured the reduction rate of vehicleexhausted CO₂ mass with this test results. The exhausted CO₂ mass of a passenger car(2,000㏄ engine volume) is reduced by 4% with this function used. This CO₂ reduction effect can be achieved if the downhill part of a highway is painted with a specific color. And this road painting can be included in the highway road rehabilitation policy.
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