The stochastic relationships between terrestrial snow water equivalent (SWE) and measures of the atmosph eric circulation were il1\'estigated for the Canadian Prai rics and the American Great Plains for thc win tcr of 1988. Snow-cO\'Cr extent, deri\'Cd from EASE-grid SSI /I satellite data, and gridded atmospheric data from the :\ational ;\fcteorological Celller were averaged at (j\'e day illlen'als, Principal componellls analysis (PCA) were performed for the time series or SS)'l!l snO\\-co\'er imagery as well as for 700 mb geop oten tia l heigh t and temperature, 500 mb hei ght and 700 -500 mb thickness. Canonical correlation analysis of the derived principal component weights was used to identify relationships between atmospheric variables and SWE, Results of the PCA incli cate that a high degr ee of\'ariance in upper air \'ariables (>75%) can be explained by the first three principal components, while the first three S\\'E components account for over 90% orthe variance in the original data. Results orthe canonical correlation analysis sho\\' positive relationships between snow-cover acculllulation and a meridional pressurc distri bution pattern, while snow ablation is linked to a zonal atmosphe ric pressure pattern.
R. Preisendorfer,et al.
A Significance Test for Principal Components Applied to a Cyclone Climatology
J. Namias,et al.
North American Influences on the Circulation and Climate of the North Atlantic Sector
E. LeDrew,et al.
Application of principal components analysis to change detection
Mark E. Jakubauskas,et al.
Canonical correlation analysis of coniferous forest spectral and biotic relations
David Rind,et al.
The effect of snow cover on the climate
Diana Verseghy,et al.
Snow Cover and Snow Mass Intercomparisons of General Circulation Models and Remotely Sensed Datasets
R. Crane.
Atmosphere ‐ sea ice interactions in the Beaufort/Chukchi Sea and in the European sector of the Arctic
J. Walsh,et al.
Sensitivity of 30-Day Dynamical Forecasts to Continental Snow cover