Dynamic human-computer collaboration in real-time unmanned vehicle scheduling

Abstract : Advances in autonomy have made it possible to invert the operator-to-vehicle ratio so that a single operator can control multiple heterogeneous Unmanned Vehicles (UVs). This autonomy will reduce the need for the operator to manually control each vehicle, enabling the operator to focus on higher-level goal setting and decision-making. Computer optimization algorithms that can be used in UV path-planning and task allocation usually have an a priori coded objective function that only takes into account pre-determined variables with set weightings. Due to the complex, time-critical, and dynamic nature of command and control missions, brittleness due to a static objective function could cause higher workload as the operator manages the automation. Increased workload during critical decision-making could lead to lower system performance which, in turn, could result in a mission or life-critical failure. This research proposes a method of collaborative multiple UV control that enables operators to dynamically modify the weightings within the objective function of an automated planner during a mission. After a review of function allocation literature, an appropriate taxonomy was used to evaluate the likely impact of human interaction with a dynamic objective function. This analysis revealed a potential reduction in the number of cognitive steps required to evaluate and select a plan, by aligning the objectives of the operator with the automated planner. A multiple UV simulation testbed was modified to provide two types of dynamic objective functions.

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