In recent tests the plume current density profile, plume ion energy, and radiated EMI were characterized for Pratt & Whitney’s T -220HT Hall Effect thruster. The T-220HT is a high pow er (6 -20 kW) thruster designed for maximum peak thrust. Tests covered a power range from 8 -10 kW and discharge voltages of 300 and 600 V. Plume measurements at Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) facilities demonstrated plume widths narrower than typical Hall thrusters. Half angles containing 90% of the integrated plume flux were in the range of 27 -29 °. Radiated electromagnetic emissions were measured over a frequency range from 200 MHz to 60 GHz at The Aerospace Corporation. For discharge voltages at or below 300 V, EMI was below MIL -STD 461E limits except at a single peak below 1.4 GHz, where the limit was exceeded by only about 5 dB. Increasing the discharge voltage to 600 V noticeably increased emissions in this frequency range, but these were still generally below MIL -STD 461E. Plume ion energy spectra were also characterized at The Aerospace Corporation’s facility. An RPA (Retarding Potential Analyzer) was mounted at a downstream distance of 1 meter and was varied in position from 20 ° to 100 ° fro m the thruster centerline. Measurements generally confirmed the plume profile data taken at AFRL. Energy spectra confirm that the flux at high angles is dominated by low energy charge exchange ions.
C. Paul.
Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility
John B. McVey,et al.
K. de Grys,et al.
Development status of the BPT family of Hall Thruster systems
Lee S. Mason,et al.
1000 Hours of Testing on a 10 Kilowatt Hall Effect Thruster
E. Beiting.
Design and performance of a facility to measure electromagnetic emissions from electric satellite thrusters
James E. Pollard,et al.
Hall Thruster Plume Shield Wake Structure
Lee S. Mason,et al.
Spacecraft Interaction Test Results of the High Performance Hall System SPT-140 (Postprint)
Ned Britt.
Electric Propulsion Activities in US Industry
Lee S. Mason,et al.
Preliminary Performance Results of the High Performance Hall System SPT-140
John M. Sankovic,et al.
Hall thruster ion beam characterization