Construction materials : their nature and behaviour

Part 1 Fundamentals: states of matter energy and equilibrium atomic structure and interatomic bonding elasticity and plasticity surfaces fracture and fatigue electrical and thermal conductivity. Part 2 Metals and alloys: physical metallurgy mechanical properties of metals forming of metals oxidation and corrosion metals, their differences and uses. Part 3 Concrete: introduction portland cements admixtures cement replacement materials aggregates for concrete properties of fresh concrete early age properties of concrete deformation of concrete strength and failure of concrete concrete mix design non-destructive testing of hardened concrete durability of concrete high performance concrete. Part 4 Bituminous materials: introduction structure of bituminous materials viscosity and deformation of bituminous materials strength and failure of bituminous materials durability of bituminous materials practice and processing of bituminous materials. Part 5 Brickwork and blockwork: introduction materials and components for brickwork and blockwork masonry construction and forms structural behaviour and movement of masonry durability and non-structural properties of masonry. Part 6 Polymers: introduction polymers - types, properties and applications. Part 7 Fibre composites: introduction polymer composites introduction fibres for polymer composites analysis of the behaviour of polymer composites manufacturing techniques for polymer composites uses of polymer composites fibre reinforced cements and concrete properties of fibre and matrices structure and post-cracking composite theory fibre reinforced cements fibre reinforced concrete. Part 8 Timber: introduction structure of timber and the presence of moisture deformation in timber strength and failure in timber durability of timber processing of timber.