Inserção escolar: crianças migrantes do Haiti nas creches e escolas de Sinop MT

The intention of the article is to discuss about the Haitian migration to Brazil and Mato Grosso. Focusing on the insertion of children who come with their parent to a strange country in the language, customs, culture and with the dream of finding work, better living conditions and be able to give studies for their children. The methodological theoretical perspective will be qualitative and the approach, ethnographic. The techniques to generate data are observation and interviews. About the thematic, a theoretical search reveals few researches, and specifically in Mato Grosso, we do not have record of migrant and Haitian children studies. In this text, we discuss the migration to Brazil and after specifically in Mato Grosso, focusing on the insertion of children coming from Haiti in the city of Sinop. The preliminary data lead to an insertion with difficulties in language used at the communication time with teachers, adaptation to school rules and consequently learning, even if discretely, the racial discrimination pervades the relations between the Haitian children, not Haitian and teachers.