Reform of Database and Data Warehouse Based on OBE Model

Database and Data Warehouse is a new cross-course derived from Database Principles course in the era of big data. Firstly, the paper puts forward the urgency of learning database and data warehouse for students majoring in information management at present; secondly, it analyses a series of problems in the traditional teaching of Database Principles, such as teachers teach based on teaching content, adopting indoctrination teaching method, students' poor initiative, simple and single evaluation of learning effect; finally, it adopts OBE's result-oriented and student-centered teaching reform model, explores and practices the reform steps of result orientation for Database and Data warehouse course. Background of Starting Database and Data Warehouse Database correlated curriculums at traditional university are mainly about Database Principles or Database Applications, aiming at cultivating students' comprehensive ability of database theory and practice, helping students to establish preliminary concepts of software engineering. With the rapid development of information technology, the application of database is getting deeper and deeper. In the era of big data, data shows a big explosion. How to timely find useful information from the sea of data has become a difficult problem. In the field of informatization, more than 90% software systems need the support of database or data warehouse. Therefore, Database and Data warehouse has a particularly important position in the undergraduate education major of information management, is the basis of the follow-up course learning and plays an important role in the personnel training [1]. Based on this, our university starts Database and Data warehouse course for undergraduates majoring in information management, aiming at cultivating students' understanding, analysis and design abilities of database and data warehouse, as well as their development and application abilities of database and data warehouse [2]. Database and Data Warehouse involves the basic principle and concept of database and data warehouse [3], requirements analysis of database and data warehouse, E-R modeling, relational database modeling, standardization design of database, SQL, design and construction technology of data warehouse, OLAP etc. Current Situation of Correlated Curriculums in Domestic University In order to further compare the current situation of database correlated curriculums, teachers investigate several domestic universities, by careful analyses, find the current teaching situation is that teachers explain the theoretical knowledge of database and data warehouse in class, experiments instructions are set in advance, and students complete experiments in accordance with the operation instructions, and finally accept learning outcomes by examination. This kind of teaching mode aims at teachers' accomplishment of teaching contents. All students study the course according to the prescribed schedule and unified requirements. There are several problems as follows: 2019 9th International Conference on Education and Social Science (ICESS 2019) Copyright © (2019) Francis Academic Press, UK DOI: 10.25236/icess.2019.091 496 Teaching is Teacher-Centered, and the Teaching Objective Fails to Guide the Teaching Content. Through investigation, it is found that at present, the teaching of database correlated curriculums in university is teacher-centered, and the setting of teaching objectives is based on the teaching tasks of teachers, which has no guiding effect on the teaching content, and the teaching content is prior to the teaching objectives. The course covers basic knowledge of database and data warehouse, database modeling technology, business knowledge related to database system, SQL, advanced applications etc. The teaching did not start from the needs of students, and the class hour was limited, so the lecture could not cover all aspects. Students could not easily grasp the main line of the course, thus led to the unsatisfactory final assessment effect. Some students could not apply the database knowledge they learned to subsequent learning and practical projects. Teachers have a Single Classroom Organization, Students have a Single Learning Style. Through investigation, it is found that at present, the classroom organization of database correlated curriculums in university is mainly based on teaching the theories and methods, interspersed with the introduction of database application, in-class experiments and classroom questions. Students mainly listen to the teacher, lack of information search, network learning and other independent learning methods, aren’t interested in the experiment and theoretical application. Their initiative is not strong, after-class learning time is insufficient, so teaching effect is affected. Due to the lack of interaction and communication between teachers and students, teachers fail to pay attention to the feedback of theoretical tests and experiments in class and timely adjust the requirements on students to encourage them appropriately so as to stimulate their learning potential. Do not Attach Importance to the Evaluation of Teaching Effect. At present, the database correlated curriculums in our school are mainly assessed by the usual homework and the final closed-book examination. Most of the examinations are based on the memory of knowledge. Teaching evaluation is only from the passing rate, excellent rate and exam difficulty and other aspects. The evaluation content is too single, lacks of detailed evaluation standards, unable to effectively assess the realization of teaching objectives, fails to track students' mastery of knowledge, difficult to assess whether students have developed the ability required by the course, fails to evaluate and feedback the learning effect of students in real time.