Energy and the Die Casting Industry

This paper focuses the use of energy within the die cast industry. This classical primary melting sector is a typical “feast or famine” industry. Aluminium and zinc are the primary metals and are in the top four for the volume produced. Energy costs vary from 3 to 8 percent of the total product cost, being the third highest cost within the industry. The specific energy index for die casting of aluminium varies from 44 to 65 GJ/tonne and for zinc the index ranges from 30 to 60 GJ/tonne. Case studies have been used to highlight the energy potential for this industry. It was found that electricity accounts for over 60 percent of the total energy cost and that within the energy chain of manufacture, yield has a significant influence. It was further identified that non process energy consumption was relatively high, amounting to 30% of the total. Energy management structures within the industry was variable, being at best, a part time function of a manager. Considerable energy savings can be achieved and the paper highlights areas within the process route where more detailed investigations can have a dramatic impact on energy cost.