The aging consumer : perspectives from psychology and economics

Preface. Part 1. What Changes with Aging? A.H. Gutchess, Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience of Aging. M.D. Hurd, S. Rohwedder, Spending Patterns in the Older Population. A. Drolet, L. Lau-Gesk, P. Williams, H.G. Jeong, Socioemotional Selectivity Theory: Implications for Consumer Research. Part 2. Decision Making. E. Peters, Aging-related Changes in Decision Making. G. Burtless, Do Workers Prepare Rationally for Retirement? S.L. Wood, J.A. Shinogle, M.M. McInnes, New Choices, New Information: Do Choice Abundance and Information Complexity Hurt Aging Consumers' Medical Decision Making? C. Folkman Curasi, L.L. Price, E.J. Arnould, The Ageing Consumer and Intergenerational Transmission of Cherished Possessions. Part 3. Older Consumers in the Marketplace. C.M. Bonifield, C.A. Cole, Comprehension of Marketing Communications among Older Consumers. R. Lambert-Pandraud, G. Laurent, Impact of Age on Brand Choice. C. Yoon, F. Feinberg, N. Schwarz, Why Do Older Consumers Tell Us They Are More Satisfied? H.R. Moody, S. Sood, Age-branding. N. Charness, M. Champion, R. Yordon, Designing Products for Older Consumers: A Human Factors Perspective.