생산흐름 분석을 통한 자동차 조립공장의 협업 공정/자재 계획

Automotive companies should perform process planning and its evaluation concurrently with new car developments so that they can be highly competitive in the modern automotive market. Process planners should make decisions in the manner of concurrent and collaborative engineering in order to reduce the manufacturing preparation time and cost when developing new cars. Automated generation of analysis models from the integrated database, which contains process and material information, reduces time to prepare analyses and makes the models reliable. In this research, we developed a web-based system for concurrent and collaborative system for production flow analysis, using web, database, and simulation technology. An integrated database is designed to automatically generate analysis models from process and material plans without reworking the data. This system enables process planners to evaluate their decision fast and share their opinions with others easily. With this system, it is possible to save time and cost for assembly process and material planning, and reliability of process plans can be improved.