Effects of Alternative Thinning Regimes and Prescribed Burning in Natural, Even-Aged Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands: 25 Year Results

In southeastern Arkansas, pine growth was monitored for 19 yr after mechanically strip thinning a dense, naturally regenerated, even-aged stand of Gyr-old loblolly pines (Pinus taeda L.) and shortleafpines (P. echinata Mill.) that averaged 16,600 stems/UC. Prescribed winter burns were conducted biennially between ages 9 and 20 yr and at 24 yr. Commercial thinnings during the 17th and 23rd growing seasons left a residual stocking of either SSf$/ac or 200 crop trees/at (7.5ft2/ac) in merchantable-sized (>3.5 in. dbh)pines on plots that wereprecommercially thinnedand on plots that were not. Precommercial thinning