Architectural aspects of software sharing and standardization: AUTOSAR for automotive domain

Business and cooperation models in the automotive domain are becoming more and more complex and flexible. The following two models and their impact on software architecture will be discussed in more detail: 1) delivery of code relevant artifacts from the OEM (original automobile equipment manufacturer) to the Tier1 (supplier of OEM) and the other way around: 2) delivery of Tier1 software to the OEM. Both use cases and all its derivations are subsumed under the term “Software Sharing”. The discussion is based on the concrete experiences of BOSCH Powertrain (Diesel Gasoline Systems, DGS) in the area of software sharing. Improvements are seen in the strengthened use of standardized architecture and application interfaces. The most important software standard in the automotive domain is AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture).