Color Lock: Against Password Attacks

The system identifies the genuine users ,in computer security, authentication is such a technique .Password based authentication is still one of the widely accepted ,among several authentication schemes .In which an attacker can record the login procedure of a user for an entire session and can retrieve the user original PIN ,Color password is widely famous, but it is prone to shoulder surfing attacks .To a wide class of observation attacks such as brute force attacks, side channel attacks etc ,and traditional PIN-entry methods are vulnerable .Based on human cognitive skills have been proposed till date ,a number of alternative PIN-entry methods .These methods can be classified into two classes regarding information available to a passive adversary: fully observable and partially observable. So that any genuine user can enter the session PIN without disclosing the actual PIN ,In this system propose an intelligent user interface, known as Color Lock to resist the password attacks .On a partially observable attacker model ,the Color Lock is based .The experimental analysis shows that the Color Lock interface is safe and easy to use.