AI and MAP in the processing industries

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to do more for process control in the next 10 years than microprocessors have in the past 10 years. Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP) could do for digital systems what 3 to 15 psi did for pneumatic systems and 4 to 20 ma did for analog electronic systems. This article reviews these technologies, gives real examples of their use in the processing industries, and shows how they are related. In the broadest sense, AI is the science of developing computer systems to emulate human intelligence (reasoning, decision making, language, learning, etc.). Although this includes several technologies, the branch of AI currently used in the processing industries is ''expert systems.'' The intent of an expert system is to simulate the decision making an expert performs to solve a problem. The decision-making process is converted to heuristics (rules of thumb) and deep knowledge (process model) that are put into the expert system's data base (knowledge base). The rules of thumb are usually translated into statements of the type ''IF this happens THEN take this action'' (examples to follow). The major advantage is assisting those with only limited knowledge of a subject by giving them access to themore » decision making process used by someone very knowledgeable in the subject.« less