An Introduction to Reliability and Quality Engineering

Part 1 Principles of quality and reliability: the quality of a product the meaning of quality product specification using continuous performance characteristics statistical analysis of continuous performance characteristics comparison of performance statistics with product specification the reliability of a product the meaning of reliability practical reliability definitions instantaneous failure rate and its relation to reliability typical forms of hazard rate function rules for combining probabilities. Part 2 Reliability of systems: series systems parallel systems general series-parallel system majority voting systems standby systems common mode failures availability of systems. Part 3 Failure rate data and models: failure rate data failures influencing failure rate failure rate models calculation of equipment failure rate from component failure rate data software reliability human reliability. Part 4 Quality and reliability in manufacture: the achievement of quality economics of quality and reliability design for quality and reliability quality and reliability in production testing of the finished product. Part 5: Reliability in maintenance: reliability and the total cost of ownership breakdown maintenance preventive maintenance on-condition maintenance. Part 6 Protective systems for hazardous processes: introduction the hazardous process target hazard rate for the protective system choice of trip initiating parameters design of the protective system hazard analysis of process and protective system.