Earth‐to‐Moon Low Energy Transfers Targeting L1 Hyperbolic Transit Orbits

Abstract: In the frame of the lunar exploration, numerous future space missions will require maximization of payload mass, and simultaneously achieving reasonable transfer times. To fulfill this request, low energy non‐Keplerian orbits could be used to reach the Moon instead of high energetic transfers. The low energy solutions can be separated into two main categories depending on the nature of the trajectory approaching the Moon: low energy transit orbits that approach the Moon from the interior equilibrium point L1 and weak stability boundary transfers that reach the Moon after passing through L2. This paper proposes an alternative way to exploit the opportunities offered by L1 transit orbits for the design of Earth‐Moon transfers. First, in a neighborhood of the L1 point, the three‐body dynamics is linearized and written in normal form; then the entire family of nonlinear transit orbits is obtained by selecting the appropriate nontrivial amplitudes associated with the hyperbolic part. The L1‐Earth arc is close to a 5:2 resonant orbit with the Moon, whose perturbations cause the apogee to rise. In a second step, two selected low altitude parking orbits around the Earth and the Moon are linked with the transit orbit by means of two three‐body Lambert arcs, solutions of two two‐point boundary value problems. The resulting Earth‐to‐Moon trajectories prove to be very efficient in the Moon captured arc and save approximately 100 m/sec in Δv cost when compared to the Hohmann transfer. Furthermore, such solutions demonstrate that Moon capture could be obtained in the frame of the Earth‐Moon R3BP neglecting the presence of the Sun.