Effects of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator and Wind Turbine Parameters on the Performance of a Small-Scale Wind Power Generation System

Permanent magnet synchronous generators are widely used in small-scale wind power generation systems. Appropriate design of the generator and turbine parameters improves the performance of the wind power generation systems. This paper analyzes the effect of different design parameters of a surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous generator and the turbine on the annual energy output and also on the cost of a small-scale wind power generation system. The analytical model of the generator and wind turbine is used along with cost models for different parts of the system. The power losses in power electronics devices are also taken into account. Streszczenie. Generatory synchroniczne z magnesami trwalymi są powszechnie uzywane w energetyce wiatrowej. W artykule analizuje sie mozliwości projektowe generatora i turbiny oraz ich wplyw na parametry malego systemu energetyki wiatrowej. (Wplyw parametrow generatora synchronicznego i turbiny na wlaściwości malego systemu energetyki wiatrowej)