사격 폭발음의 잔향음이 포 사격장의 구조안정도에 미치는 영향 분석
Since the shooting blast sound in the military shooting range is extremely high, it can make a damage to the surrounding structure. Therefore, in the design state of the construction of the military shooting range, the building and structure should be arranged considering the induced sound pressure from the gun. In the typical military shooting range surrounding to test buildings described in this research, the measured impact sound level of the gun firing is higher than the design limit. Therefore, the root cause of this sound incresing is investigated in this research. The sound field characteristics in the military shooting range is experimently evaluated using signal gun. Using Palmgren Miner’s cumulative damage calculation method, the effect of the direct impact sound and reverberation sound for the building structure in the shooting range are investigated related to the endurance characteristics.