An Adaptive Training Prototype for Small Unmanned Aerial System Employment

An adaptive computer based training prototype to teach Soldiers how to use small unmanned aerial systems (SUASs) will be described. This system provides a mix of instruction and knowledge application scenarios to provide “intstructorless” training. After an initial assessment of student knowledge, each student is presented with customized multimedia instruction. This is followed by scenario based knowledge application. During scenarios students are required to make decisions about SUAS employment in the context of either offensive or defensive operations. Each operation is divided into a planning, preparation, and execution phase. Each decision is linked to one of nine terminal learning objectives and contributes to the student model. Should evidence accumulate that the student requires remediation (because of poor decision making), instructional remediation is provided on the deficient knowledge. The student then restarts the particular phase of the scenario they were completing before. A unique aspect of this training is that it is designed to provide training across echelons of leaders involved in SUAS employment (company and below).