Deliverable 2.2: List of topics prioritised according to national and common criteria to be considered for transnational calls
The overall goal of work package 2, “Identifying research topics for transnational calls”, was to identify research topics for transnational calls within CORE Organic II. This deliverable first provides an overview on the selection and prioritization processes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd call, then presents the research topics initiated under CORE Organic II and finally identifies remaining research gaps.
This deliverable refers in several aspects to the deliverables 2.1 and 2.3, finalized earlier. Here we
summarize the main experiences to share with other ERA-NETs.
Furthermore we provide an update of relevant aspects around research on organic food and farming in the partner countries. Towards the end of CORE Organic II, we made an update of a survey carried out in 2010 and described in deliverable 2.1. The updated tables are presented in the annex.