비도시지역 관리방안으로서 제2종지구단위계획의 운영실태 및 제도개선방안
Second District Units Plan is a unique planned management in non-urbanized area. However, the institution have not been operated in the intended objective. After introducing, district units plan showed several limit points and we researched way out of solving the problem. This study used investigation of local government and also survey from the civil servant. The result of this study is as follows. The first, planned urbanized area of management area should solve their problems according to classified area total amount and advance computation of development plan demand in urban master plan. The second, target application area has composure to manage non-urbanized area and maintain fairness of each legislation in second district unit plan area. The third, district designation and plan establishment should be simplified when second district unit plan was established development plan in non -urbanized area. The last, guide lines and operations should be rationalized and also local government needs to consider property of district units plan. Moreover, in the long term, it is needed to change rational plan that second district unit plan and development permit system will be integrated in planning permission system.