3차원 유한요소법과 패턴 탐색 알고리즘을 이용한 영구자석형 클로우폴 스테핑 모터의 정토크 특성 최적설계

This paper presents a optimum design process for static torque characteristics of the Claw-Poles PM Stepping Motor(CPSM). Since the shape of CPSM changes along with axial direction, CPSM should only be analyzed by 3D-FEM. But 3D-FEM needs too much computation time and computer resources. Therefore, it is essential to reduce the number of 3D-FEM analysis models. In this paper, two design factors which affect the static torque characteristics of CPSM were selected. Optimum design process was able to make progress by using Pattern Search Algorithm and 3D-FEM. Finally, optimized model was compared with a conventional model.