Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems

Part I: Context and Challenges Chapter 1: The Public Service Heritage A Day in the Life of Maria Hernandez Some Challenges in Getting and Managing the Right People The Structure and Role of Human Resource Departments Historical and Institutional Context Reforming Government in the Clinton, Bush, and Obama Years Human Resource Management Principles Values, Ethics, and Moral Management Summary and Conclusion Chapter 2: Legal Rights and Responsibilities The Foundations of Employment Law The Employment Relationship Balancing Employer, Employee, and Societal Interests Privacy Issues Preemployment Investigations: Truth, Personality, Health, Credit, and Criminal Records Discrimination Summary and Conclusion Part II: Processes and Skills Chapter 3: Recruitment Factors in Recruitment: Employer and Applicant Perspectives Recruitment Steps Planning and Approval Position Announcements Recruitment Strategies Enhancing Recruitment Prospects: The Seeker's Perspective Summary and Conclusion Chapter 4: Selection The Bases and Origin of Selection Criteria in Selecting Selection Tests Selection: Four Screening Phases Initial Reviewing and Testing Interviewing and Reference Checks: Narrowing the Pool General Considerations for Those Conducting Interviews Choosing and Negotiation Postoffer and Hiring Issues Summary and Conclusion Chapter 5: Position Management Three Types of Personnel Strategies The Origins of Position Classification and Management Job Design and Job Analysis Job and Position Descriptions From Jobs to Job Systems Summary and Conclusion Chapter 6: Employee Engagement Pull, Push, or Drive? Human Resource Management and the Climate for Engagement Tools of Engagement Summary and Conclusion Chapter 7: Compensation Equity and Expectancy Theory Pay Determination Philosophy The Great Pay Debate Labor Market Forces: External Competition Job Content: Internal Consistency Individual Considerations: Fairness and Individual Contributions Implications Summary and Conclusion Chapter 8: Employee-Friendly Policies Workforce and Workplace Trends Family/Work Programs Health, Safety, and Wellness Programs Flexible Work Arrangements Keys to Success Traditional Benefits: Not-So-Employee-Friendly Trends Implementation, Assessment, and Evaluation Best Places to Work Summary and Conclusion Chapter 9: Training, Development and Learning General Principles of Learning Training Strategies Organizational Learning Strategies Application: Ethics Training Summary and Conclusion Chapter 10: Appraisal Evolution Appraisal Systems Improving the Process Disciplinary Systems Summary and Conclusion Chapter 11: Unions and the Government Background: Context and Evolution of Employee Relations Differing Views of Unions Paradoxes and Contradictions Trends and Variations Summary and Conclusion Chapter 12: Collective Bargaining Structure, Representation, and Collective Bargaining Strategies and Skills Bargaining-Related Reforms Hostility Versus Harmony Summary and Conclusion