Phylogenetic analysis of carbamoylphosphate synthetase genes: complex evolutionary history includes an internal duplication within a gene which can root the tree of life.

Carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) catalyzes the first committed step in pyrimidine biosynthesis, arginine biosynthesis, or the urea cycle. Organisms may contain either one generalized or two specific CPS enzymes, and these enzymes may be heterodimeric (encoded by linked or unlinked genes), monomeric, or part of a multifunctional protein. In order to help elucidate the evolution of CPS, we have performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis using the 21 available complete CPS sequences, including a sequence from Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 which we report in this paper. This is the first report of a complete CPS gene sequence from an archaeon, and sequence analysis suggests that it encodes an enzyme similar to heterodimeric CPSII. We confirm that internal similarity within the synthetase domain of CPS is the result of an ancient gene duplication that preceded the divergence of the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, and use this internal duplication in phylogenetic tree construction to root the tree of life. Our analysis indicates with high confidence that this archaeal sequence is more closely related to those of Eukarya than to those of Bacteria. In addition to this ancient duplication which created the synthetase domain, our phylogenetic analysis reveals a complex history of further gene duplications, fusions, and other events which have played an integral part in the evolution of CPS.

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