Molecular mechanisms in visual transduction
Structure and mechanism of vertebrate visual pigments, W.J. DeGrip and K.J. Rothschild the primary photoreaction of rhodopsin, R.A. Mathies and J. Lugtenberg late photoproducts and signalling states of bovine rhodopsin, K.P. Hofmann ion channels of vertebrate photoreceptors, R.S. Molday and U.B. Kaupp phototransduction in vertebrate rods and cones - molecular mechanisms of amplification, recovery and light adaptation, E.N. Pugh Jr. and T.D. Lamb comparative molecular biology of visual pigments, S. Yokoyama and R. Yokoyama invertebrate visual pigments, W. Gartner phototransduction mechanisms in microvillar and ciliary photoreceptors of invertebrates, E. Nasi et al genetic dissection of drosophila phototransudction, B. Minke and R.C Hardie modelling primary visual process in insect photoreceptors, D.G. Stavenga et al.