Guest Editorial: Special Collection on Computers and Education

Computers or Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in a broader scope are currently presented as key elements in every business and activity domain. Education is not an exception; presently ICT is a mandatory tool to support teaching and learning processes independently of its nature, formality or level. Nowadays, ICT applied research involves lots of trending topics such as, among others, open knowledge (García-Peñalvo et al, 2010), involving both open contents and open education, with a special mention about Massive Thus, the aim of this special collection is to deal with diff erent perspectives and usage of ICT in Education. To do that, this monograph is linked to the XIV International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE 2012) held in Andorra in October 2012 (García-Peñalvo et al, 2012b). SIIE is an international forum for the presentation and debate of the latest research advances on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education. The Symposium aims at becoming a major point of contact between researchers, developers, institutional representatives and educators willing to share their points of view, knowledge and experiences. The seven papers included in this collection were selected, after a rigorous peer-review process that ran as follows: • The papers submitt ed to the symposium were reviewed in a double-blind process by three members of the Committ ee Program, this way each paper had a score used to be selected for presentation at the conference. The presented papers were also scored by the session chair. This way, all the accepted and presented papers were sorted and the twelve with higher grades that were related with this special collection were invited to be extended and submitt ed again for a new review iteration. • For each submission, at least two external reviewers who are recognized experts in the submission's fi eld were invited.