A Task-Centred Methodology to Evaluate the Design of Virtual Reality User Interactions: A Case Study on Hazard Identification

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-based technology that can be used by professionals of many different fields to simulate an environment with a high feeling of presence and immersion. Nonetheless, one main issue when designing such environments is to provide user interactions that are adapted to the tasks performed by the users. Thus, we propose here a task-centred methodology to design and evaluate these user interactions. Our methodology allows for the determination of user interaction designs based on previous VR studies, and for user evaluations based on a task-related computation of usability. Here, we applied it on the hazard identification case study, since VR can be used in a preventive approach to improve worksite safety. Once this task and its related user interactions were analysed with our methodology, we obtained two possible designs of interaction techniques for the worksite exploration subtask. About their usability evaluation, we proposed in this study to compare our task-centred evaluation approach to a non-task-centred one. Our hypothesis was that our approach could lead to different interpretations of user study results than a non-task-centred one. Our results confirmed our hypothesis by comparing weighted usability scores from our task-centred approach to unweighted ones for our two interaction techniques.


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