The next generation of supplementary aviation noise metrics and their use in managing aviation noise.

Successful aviation noise management and sustainable airport development relies on describing noise exposure effectively, understanding its impacts, and communicating these effectively. We need the right tools to describe noise and its impacts in a meaningful way. Furthermore, decision makers need a balanced scorecard to make informed decisions based on the outcomes from an appropriate suite of analysis tools. This paper summarizes our previous work which examined the limitations of traditional noise contours for describing noise exposure based on long-term averages and considered a more targeted contour based on shorter-term noise measures. It looks at supplementary ways of describing the physical exposure to aircraft noise events including those developed in Australia in 2000. These are revisited and we will show in our presentation, by using recent case examples, how we have applied and/or refined them using GIS techniques. We also highlight key information from our companion paper on aircraft noise effects on health and its monetization. All these elements are required for effective management of aviation noise.